Keep Kids Smart with ART

A new series of free online programs called Keep Kids Smart with ART will aim to help parents and their children who are home from school, along with other new digital online visual arts programs at no cost for all ages, including seniors who are keeping social distance and who might feel isolated.

The team at the Boca Raton Museum of Art, and the teachers at its Art School campus, are creating these new free online initiatives for parents and students.

These ideas resulted from consulting with an American father who lives abroad with his family. He shared his experience, strength and hope about the challenges his family has faced while staying at home due to school closures because of the coronavirus.

The Museum team sees this as a way to give back to the community and to be of service during this challenging time. Also further below are tips for parents on how to use art at home with their children, to keep kids engaged.


Following is the updated statement from Irvin Lippman, the executive director of the Boca Raton Museum of Art:

Art, culture, and creativity have always made a difference in powerful ways, especially during challenging times. We are grateful for your support and plan to give back to the community.”

“Being inspired and creative have not been canceled.”

“A special new series called Keep Kids Smart with ART will be available online to help parents and their children who are home from school.  You will also find other new digital programs especially made by the Museum, for all ages. We will continue our service to the community by creating new virtual educational and enriching experiences online and via our social media channels. Follow and connect on social media (@bocamuseum, #BocaMuseumfromHome).” Read the full statement about the Museum’s temporary closing here.

— Irvin Lippman, executive director of the Boca Raton Museum of Art



According to the National School Boards Association, kids who study art are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement. Studies show that art helps kids earn higher report card grades because skills developed through art lead to better learning in other areas.

Tips for parents and students on using art in your home:

  • Provide a special “creative zone” at home.
  • Make sure that your “creative zone” is mess-friendly and able to stand up well to spills and art-related fun.
  • Focus on the fun process, not on the outcome.
  • Create a special area to showcase your child’s artwork.
  • Watch and encourage your children as they work on their art.
  • Ask them questions to engage them while they create.


To our friends and colleagues in the news media – we hope you and your loved ones are safe, and we hope that it is ok to send you this update at this time.

Below is the revised press release about the new exhibitions that were going to open to the public on March 24 at the Boca Raton Museum of Art. The museum team will be tapping the beautiful imagery and powerful works by these amazing artists, for the new online programs for families. You may also view the press release here.

These stunning self-portraits from the National Portrait Gallery are from every decade of the 20th and the 21st centuries, starting in 1901 through 2015. When we look at these self-portraits now, it feels like these artists are looking at us from the past, into the present, in ways they could not have foreseen.

Photos may be downloaded here, and we thank you for taking a look. If you would like an interview via Skype, phone or email, please feel free to let us know.

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