Reopening the Restaurant Industry

      It has been over a year of watching the hospitality industry suddenly go from burgeoning to bust. The language of restaurant dining just about disappeared and the hard working, dedicated industry leaders flirted with, and lost, personal and professional securities. Some mainstays will be lost forever, others may take years to recoup, while others are trying to run at a loss while re-imagining product design and delivery. Oh, what a horrendous time for the culinary industry.

How does one small business begin a rebirth? 

Here are some suggestions:

1. Consider adding a refrigerator case for take home entrees, sides, soups and desserts. 

(After enjoying a delectable dine-in experience, customers will certainly consider a ‘take home meal’ upon leaving the establishment.

2. If one is dining at the restaurant, offer a discount on the to go meals. As suggested above, guests can save time and money by bringing home a meal. Certainly, most of us are exhausted from camping out in our kitchens.

3. Place a pleasurable notice in the front of the menu explaining staff shortage, and other post-pandemic challenges, while thanking guests for their patronage. Since people are naturally impatient when hungry, serve beverages and warm bread as quickly as possible. Also, express gratitude with a light complimentary appetizer. “You get honey from sugar.”

4. Contact your regulars and welcome them back in, assuring all that safety concerns and quality controls are in place. If they make a reservation during the call, reward them with another complimentary option.

5. If you have the space, place a small bakery at a significant location, selling breads and desserts. Again, another chance to capture lost revenue.

6. Be gracious and thankful thru and thru; perhaps a sign out front or in the establishment welcoming both new and regular guests. A small gesture goes a long way.

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